Tuesday, August 9, 2011

savella: day nineteen

i can't stomach anything but soup. not even thick soup.
the brain fog has gotten intense.
the heart palpitations have been occurring more frequently.
i'm having hot flashes and sweats like a 60year old woman.
i woke up nine times during the past two nights of sleep.


  1. So what happens if you stop taking it?
    What's Savella supposed to be helping out -- cuz right now those side effects suck.

  2. it controls the fibro flares. if i stop taking it without letting my doctor know, i'll go through withdrawal. the same way i had to work my way up to the dosage i'm at now, i'd have to work my way back down.

    but the side effects are nothing compared to the pain i'd be in if i wasn't taking the savella.

  3. Damn, it's a lose lose situation. So you're gonna have to taper back down. Is there any other medications you can take aside from the Savella?

  4. lyrica, but there's a high chance of it making me gain weight. i have to see my rheumatologist in exactly three weeks, so i'll talk to her about it then.

    i definitely called her last friday and she hasn't returned my call yet...
