Sunday, October 16, 2011

so this strep throat..

as you remember, i was in bed sick last week from wednesday to sunday. monday morning, i woke up, went to work, and ended up back home by 4pm. the coughing was ridiculous, and my mom just couldn't take it. we literally ping-ponged ourselves all over the east side of brooklyn, trying to get me to an urgent care center, and when that failed, we were on a hunt for cough syrup.

my mom called a pharmacist and was instructed to give me buckley's cough syrup. we tried every pharmacy in our area, including the one that told us to get the cough syrup, and absolutely no one had it; not because they were sold out, but because they just didn't carry it. an associate at walgreen's told us that we'd need to go to a caribbean store to find it, which it suddenly made sense because it's used predominantly in the caribbean. we drove at least two miles, from mill basin to east flatbush, to a korean food store where they sell a lot of caribbean food and products, and i bought the buckley's, along with a bottle of ferrol compound.*

anyone that knows buckley's knows how horrible this stuff is. it tastes like rubbing alcohol and vicks vapor rub, and looks like semen. graphic, i know. i'm sorry.
i took it a few times; nothing worked.

my mom got in contact with our family doctor, and he called in a prescription for a cough syrup with promethazine. it's helped a tad, but not as quickly as my mom would like, so she bought this stuff at the health food store.

another horrible-tasting cough syrup.

*the ferrol compound is still in the bag i brought it home in.

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